WGTE Public Media Vehicle Donation Program

You can support WGTE Public Media by donating your car today! Donating a car to WGTE is fast, easy and secure. We accept any vehicle - running or not - including cars, trucks, boats, RVs, motorcycles, and more. Simply call or fill out our secure online vehicle donation form, and one of our friendly Donor Support Representatives will take you through the process from start to finish. The pick-up is free, and your gift is tax-deductible!

We accept all types of vehicles:

We accept all types of vehicles: cars, trucks, motorcycles, traileers, boats and more!

How it Works

1. Call us at 855-2PRADIO (855-277-2346)

2. We will tow your vehicle at no cost to you!

3. Get a donation receipt and help our cause.

Online Vehicle Donation Form